In the history of the world, perhaps no entity exposes humanity’s split personality greater than money. We love it in our possession, yet we hate its grip on us. We want to acquire as much as possible yet romanticize a life without it. We believe more of it will make us happier, while understanding that…
Caring for Patients when Man Merges with Machine
It’s easy to get caught up in the future of technology and medicine. From advancements in blockchain and EHR interoperability to 3D printing to state-of-the-art discoveries in drug delivery, the healthcare industrial complex is pushing the boundaries like never before. Technologies like the left ventricular assist device (LVAD), which pushes blood through the body when…
Five Lessons from Seth Godin’s Book Linchpin
As legendary start up lore would have it, Richard Branson, the founder of the young empire, Virgin Records, was stuck at an airport in Puerto Rico in 1984. He was trying to get to the British Virgin Islands to meet his girlfriend. Frustrated by the situation, and perhaps his lack of control, Branson looked around…
My Favorite 10 Books of 2017
I read plenty of books in 2017, but here are my favorite ones in no particular order: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers Dave Eggers writes a semi-autobiographical memoir about moving to the Bay Area with his siblings after their parents pass away suddenly one winter in Illinois. While his older sister…